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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A magician holds a wand while trying to summon the Other wand to him. The two wands and the twin arches represent two possible projects or directions. The water and the moon in the right archway promise that by trusting your instincts, a wise choice can be made.

The Two of Wands suggests the need to choose between two ventures. In this case, either option requires your full passion and attention. This is not the time to split your focus and your energy. Although both choices are appealing, go with your instincts and you will make the right choice.

If reversed, this card can indicate that you are unable or unwilling to make a choice. It can also represent being faced with two unappealing choices and feeling forced to pick the lesser of two evils.

Use your intuition

  • An open box is at the magician's feet. What's in this box?
  • A raven perches in the left arch. What does it suggest?

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